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            作者:佚名 信息来源:站原创 更新木工培训班开课时间:2011-6-9

              MP3 players can cause hearing loss
              Tom, a 15-year-old boy, couldn’t hear anything after the whole night computer games and MP3 listening. He was excited and yelled after the MP3. When he walked out of his room the next morning, he could hear nothing about what his parents’ words. His parents sent him to the doctor at once. It was moderate hearing loss.
              Do you have an MP3 player? Do you use it to listen to your favorite music? A survey shows that lots of young people enjoy listening to their MP3 players. And they always listen to them at high volumes. There are about 100 million people listening to MP3 players in Europe every day. Most of them are young people. Scientists have found that if people listen to MP3 players at a very high volume for more than five hours a week, they could lose their hearing in five years.
              High-volume music can keep people excited, so young people would like to keep their players high. It’s too bad for the ears. So the MP3 listeners should keep the player within safe volume levels, no higher than 60% of full capacity. If people near you can hear your MP3, that means you are keeping your Mp3 at a very high volume, turn it down, please!
              41. What didn’t Tom do before he had moderate hearing loss?
              A. He played the computer games.    B. He yelled after the MP3.
              C. He listened to the MP3.     D. He went to see the doctor.
              42. Who enjoys MP3?
              A. Young people.B. Adults.C. No one.D. Scientists.
              43. What’s the safe volume of the MP3?
              A. People beside can hear your MP3.B. No higher than 60% of full capacity.
              C. You can’t hear it clearly.D. Keep the full capacity.
              44. Why do the young people keep the players high?
              A. Because the people near them can’t hear it.
              B. Because the young people want to surprise others.
              C. Because the high-volume music can keep them excited.
              D. Because the young people want to have hearing loss.
              45. What is the MP3 at a very high volume bad for?
              A. It’s bad for the eyes.    B. It’s bad for the legs
              C. It’s bad for the nose.    D. It’s bad for the ears
              A wise old gentleman retired and bought a small but comfortable house near a junior middle
              school. He spent his first few weeks of his retirement in peace. Then a new school year started.
              Every afternoon three young boys came down his street, kicking happily every trashcan(垃圾罐)
              they came across. The crashing noise continued day after day, until finally the wise old man
              decided it was time to take some action.
              The next afternoon, he walked out to meet the young kids as they walked their way down the street. Stopping them, he said, “You kids are a lot of fun. I like to see you show your energy like that. I used to do the same thing when I was your age. I’ll give you each a dollar if you promise to come around every day and do your thing.” The kids were very pleased and continued to do their job on the trashcans. After a few days, the old man greeted the kids again, but this time he had a sad smile on his face. “The day before yesterday, I got a lot of money stolen,” he told them. “From now on, I’ll only be able to pay you 50 cents to kick the cans.” The noise-makers were clearly unhappy, but they did accept his offer and continued their after-school work. A week was over. The old man then went out to stop the kids again as they kicked their cans down the street. “Look,” he said. “My TV set didn’t work last week. It cost much money to have it repaired, so I’m not going to be able to give you more than 25 cents. Will that be okay?” “Just a quarter?” the biggest kid shouted. “If you think we’re going to waste our time, kicking these cans around for a quarter, you are nuts! No way, master. We quit!”
              46. The reading mainly wants to tell us _____.
              A. how naughty the three kids were
              B. the old man’s experiences at the kids’ age
              C. why the old man offered money for the kids’ kicking cans
              D. how the old man managed to stop the kids’ kicking cans
              47. When the biggest kid said “… you are nuts!” it shows that he was very _____.
              A. surprised            B. excited             C. sorry         D. angry
              48. From the reading we know that _____.
              A. the old man’s TV set broke down last week
              B. the old man’s way to stop the kids’ kicking worked
              C. the kids got 25 cents for kicking every day
              D. the kids couldn’t agree with each other about the money
              49. The old man decided to take some action as he _____.
              A. began to like the three kids
              B. got a lot of money stolen
              C. couldn’t stand the noise of kicking
              D. couldn’t watch TV at home
              50. It’s clear that _____.
              A. the old man used to kick the trashcans
              B. the kids wouldn’t kick the trashcans any more
              C. the old man had to decide to move away
              D. the kids refused to accept the offer for 1 dollar

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