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            作者:佚名 信息来源:站原创 更新木工培训班开课时间:2011-8-25

             51. What does the underlined word “expression” in the passage mean?
              A. 表情       B.建议 C. 模仿 D. 服饰
              48. C【解析】由第段第句I wanted to have one of the bigger parts in the play.可知木工培训班为C。
              49. C【解析】由第、段作者的表现可知,他感到很兴奋。
              50. A【解析】由倒数第段可知,作者没被选木工培训学校,扮演国王的原因是他表演的不恰当。
              51. A【解析】由上文可知,作者在表演木工培训学校,加入了过多的表情。
              Mobile phones and the internet have improved our live in many ways. However, al ong with improvements, they have also brought a number of worrying problems.
              Many car accidents are caused by mobile phones. You can use many new mobile phones to get on the internet. This can be very convenient, but some drivers get on the internet while driving. Driving needs all our attention. By looking at their mobile phones and not at the road, these insensitive Drivers are a danger to us all.
              Many of the dangers of the internet are well known. Children who visit websites without their parents’ permission sometimes talk to o lder people they don’t know and put themselves in great danger. People with blogs sometimes post embarrassing photographs of people they don’t know on their websites without permission. There are also people who use the internet to get personal information that we do not want them to have.
              Mobile Phone and Internet Safety Tips
              ◆If you need to use a mobile phone with you drive use a “hands-free” phone.
              ◆In difficult driving situations such as rain or snow, do not use your phone at all.
              ◆Do not make very important phone calls while driving. They take your attention off the road.
              ◆Tell your children not to talk with anyone they do not know on the internet.
              ◆In an embarrassing situation, pay attention to people around you. Peop le will be shy about taking your picture if they know you’re paying attention.
              ◆Refuse to give out any information personal information on the internet.
              52. Which of these dangers of mobile phones or the Internet is Not mentioned in the passage?
              A. You can have a car accident.
              B. Someone can post your photograph on the i nternet.
              C. Someone can get your personal information
              D. Someone you do not know can call you.
              53. A “hands-free” mobile phone is probably a mobile phone that _____.
              A. is free to use B. can be used without your hands
              C. can be used with only one hand D. can be use only in ears
              54. What advice is given in the passage to stop someone from taking an embarrassing picture of you?
              A. Pay attention to the people around you.
              B. Don’t give out your personal infor mation.
              C. Use a “hands-free” mobile phone.
              D. Wear your camera phone on you belt.
              55. Which is the best title of the passage?
              A. Internet Problems
              B. Mobile Phone and Internet Dangerous
              C. The Development of Mobile Phone and Internet
              D. The Advantages of Mobile Phone and Internet
              52. D 【解析】由第段第句可知,A项所述正确;由只有D选项所述内容没有提及。由第段第句可知,B项所述正确;由第段最后句可知,C项所述正确,只有D项没有提及。
              53. B 【解析】由If you need to use a mobile phone with you drive use a “hands-free” phone.可知,如果开车使用手机,要用带“免提”的手机。故选B。
              54. A 【解析】由文木工培训学校,倒数第段第句In an embarrassing situation, pay attention to people around you.可知。
              以下图1—2是个“魔术绳”的表演,另 外张图是该魔术的解密步骤。请参照解密图,将阅读材料A—E正确排序,完成56—60小题。
              A.Now pick up the scissors. Hold the paper carefully and cut through it. Keep the small piece of string between you and the scissors, so you do not cut the string.
              B.“Magic string” is a popular magic trick. You can do this trick for your friends or family. You just need a piece of paper, a piece of string and some scissors. That’s all.
              C.Pick up the paper and fold side A down. Now your friends can see side B, but they can’t see side A. Side A is shorter than B, so it does not cover the string. Push the middle of the string up, and fold C up over A. Now most of the string is inside the paper, but a small piece of the string is outside. You can see it but your friends can’t.
              D.Put one hand over the paper, and then pull the string out slowly with your other hand. The string is still in one long piece!
              E.First, fold the paper so that it is like the paper in the picture. Side A is shorter than side B, but not much shorter. Side C is much shorter than Side B. Show the long piece of string so that people can look at it. Put this piece of string on the paper.
              56. ___________ 57. __________  58. __________ 59. ______________ 60. ________
              56. B.【解析】由首句可以看出段是这篇短文的开始部木工培训学校,,文章木工培训学校,又提到“You just need a piece of paper , a piece of paper string and some scissors.” 故与第个小图片吻合。

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