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            作者:佚名 信息来源:站原创 更新木工培训班开课时间:2012-3-5

              I grew up in a small town in Spain. One morning when I was 16, my father told me I could drive him into a village called Mijas, about 18 miles away, if I had the car repaired at a nearby garage (汽车修理厂). Thinking that I had just learned to drive, and hardly had the chance to use the car, I agreed happily. I drove Dad into Mijas and make sure to pick him up at 4 p.m, then drove to a nearby garage and dropped off the car. Because there were still a few hours to be left, I decided to watch movies at a theatre near the garage. However, when the last movie had finished, I was two hours later!
              I knew Dad would be angry. If he knew what I did, he would never let me drive again. So I drove up to the place where we’d planned to meet and saw Dad waiting patiently on the corner, I told him that I’d come as quickly as I could, but the car had needed some special repairs. “I’m terribly sorry that you have to lie to me, Jason.”
              “What do you mean, Dad? I’m telling the truth.”
              “I called the garage to ask if there were any problems, and they told me you had not yet picked up the car. So I know there were no problems with the car. I’m angry, not with you but with myself. You see, I’ve failed as a father. I’m going to walk home now and think carefully about where I have gone wrong all these years.”
              “But Dad, it’s 18 miles to home. It’s dark. You can’t walk home.”
              I pleaded (恳求) all the way, telling him how sorry I was. But nothing helped. I had to drive behind him for 18 miles.
              It was one of the most painful experiences I had ever had. However, it was the most successful lesson.
              41. After driving Dad into Majas, the writer ________.
              A. called the garage                   B. went on learning to drive
              C. went to the theatre                  D. had the car repaired
              42. The writer was late to pick up his father mainly because ________.
              A. he lost himself in the movies
              B. he was not good at driving a car
              C. he spent longer time practice driving
              D. it took quite a long time to have the car repaired
              43. Why did Dad decide to walk home?
              A. Because he was deeply hurt by his son.
              B. Because he was very angry with his son.
              C. Because he had his own way to help his son.
              D. Because he needed time to solve the problem.
              44. From the passage we can infer (推断) that ________.
              A. the writer would not lie any more
              B. the father would no longer believe his son
              C. the writer would not watch movies any more
              D. the writer would not be allowed to drive again
              45. Which of the following can best describe the passage?
              A. The truth of life.                     B. A long way home.
              C. The secret of success.                 D. A painful driving experience.
              第卷 (共51木工培训学校,)
              46. The      (故事) happened in the west of China in 1940s.
              47. Mr. Wang’s house has been      (整洁的) since the robot came.
              48. The man was wanted on the Internet for     (抢劫)an old woman of her handbag.
              49. The temperature stays      (在……之下) zero in winter here. You’d better carry more clothes with you.
              50. Every morning many people will gather on Tian’men Square to watch the raising of our      (国家的) flag.
              51. All of us admire the first astronaut Yang Liwei, so his      (到达) made us excited.
              52. It was a      (sun) day last Sunday. We went camping and had a good time.
              53. He is busy      (make) kites these days in order to take part in a competition
              54. If she always keeps her worries to      (she), she will feel much worse.
              55. Many people think that it’s      (true) possible that we will live on the planet Mars in the future.
              56. It is      (report) that Nanjing will build a theme park for the Youth Olympics before 2014.
              A: Hi, Li Yan! Have you ever been to the local library before?
              B: You    57    the one near the Dragon Tower?
              A: That’s the one.
              B: I go to the English corner in the library every Saturday. A lot of English lovers practice spoken English together. Why don’t you   58   ?
              A:    59   ! Could you tell me how to get there?
              B: The No. 7 bus will take you right there.
              A: How far is it?
              B: It’s about    60   .
              A: Where is the nearest bus stop?
              B: Walk along the street, and take the first    61    on the left. It’s opposite the post office. You can’t miss it.
              A: Thanks a lot.
              B: You’re welcome.

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